New Tableware and Furnishing ideas

fieramilano, Rho


New Tableware and Furnishing ideas

Velvet, brass, personalised fabrics and original place settings that can be adapted to a variety of hospitality requirements: creating a whole new look to give customers a fabulous experience. 

There is a lot going on in the contract sector, as Chiara Pessot, contract sales director of Calligaris Group, Contract explains. “One of the most interesting demands that we have been seeing recently concerns the refurbishment of large hotels and resorts that is happening for two main reasons: the interest being shown by major groups that are arriving here and the overall recovery taking place in tourism. Foodservice is also doing particularly well now, and a great many establishments are focusing on producing distinctive, high-quality designs that offer end customers a truly all-round experience, not just a dining experience. As for stylistic trends, on many of the projects we are now putting the finishing touches to much use is being made of velvet, especially in combination with brass.”


For Calligaris Group, Contract, the Italian market is growing at a sustained pace. “Since the pandemic there has been considerable interest in the Ho.Re.Ca sector and there is much appreciation of the way in which our group offers clients complete supply solutions. Demand has increased considerably, thanks also to the recovery of the trade fair sector, and we have produced some really beautiful designs, especially in the field of foodservice.”


What are the most frequent requests? “Dining chairs, armchairs and sofas with customised covers and finishes. The big difference between foreign and Italian market is the predominant use of wood. Another difference is that the tendency abroad is to order complete furnishing solutions rather than individual products, as is the case in Italy.”


Tableware is also being revamped along three main lines, says Marisol Diaz, market manager for the UK company Churchill Dining Out: sustainability, mix and match concepts to create uniqueness, quality and presentation, i.e. value for money. “One of our best selling products is the Stonecast range. Stonecast is an exciting collection designed in different styles to suit all manner of hospitality environments. Our coloured bowl within this collection offers customers a flexible piece of ware that can be used either to serve starters, mains or desserts and it can mix and match with other ranges from the Churchill portfolio. Flexibility is key when designing a product: it helps customers and gives them the option of using one piece of ware for multiple menus or plates.”


What are foreign markets looking for, and are their needs different from those of your domestic market?


“We base the launch of new products around market research, speaking to our distributors, end users, and also through market visits to understand the needs of our customers. Our products are designed and manufactured to cater for all markets, and are based on global food and interior design trends.”


The Furnishings, Tableware and Technology macro area presents an overview of future trends at HostMilano, and the host city of Milan of course lies at the very heart of Italian design. The next edition of HostMilano will be held from 13 to 17 October 2023.