Foodservice equipment gears up for the future

fieramilano, Rho

Foodservice equipment

Foodservice equipment gears up for the future

While developing new catering ideas that favour digital procedures and sustainability, the mainstay of out-of-home eating rises to the challenges new lifestyles bring with them. All the latest developments at Host 2023.

Food service equipment confirms itself as the leading sector of professional hospitality, with a demand that continues to grow thanks to new segments, such as food-to-go, offering technologically innovative products and increasingly personalised foodservice equipment.


According to research by analyst Precedence Research, the global sector will reach $53.53 billion in 2023 and $76.1 billion by 2030, thanks to a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 6.04%. By product type, kitchen equipment should grow by +5.6%, logistics products by +6.7% and supplies for quick service restaurants and pubs by +7.8%. Geographically, most growth will be seen in the Asia-Pacific region, with +7.8%.


All these new trends can be explored at Host 2023, at fieramilano in Rho from 13 to 17 October. “Among the areas that are expanding: Delivery, which aims to recreate the restaurant experience outdoors; Ghost Kitchens, which reduce operating costs; and Quick-Service Restaurants, which offer a rapid but convivial service,” says Roberto Ragazzoni, senior vice-president EMEA-APAC of Aligroup. “Technological automation is present at all stages in the service and translates into sustainable innovations. The aim is to ensure high performance while reducing the consumption of water, energy and detergents.”


One of the exhibitors bringing their new products to Host is Comenda, the parent company of the Ali Group which this year celebrates 60 years in the business. “As well as delivery, we are seeing the appearance of more and more Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), offering a fast service but without neglecting the conviviality aspect,” notes strategic sales & marketing director Andrea Genoni. “These are new formats which, at a technological level, make the impact of process automation increasingly relevant across all stages of the service, starting from the preparation of ingredients, with implications also for sustainability. Our kitchens are devising innovative solutions and technologies that guarantee high performance while reducing the consumption of water, energy and detergents.”


“To some extent operators are responding to labour shortages through technology,” says Brad Stoeckel, director of international sales at Hatco. “Dark kitchens and Grab-and-Go solutions have reduced the need for personal interaction with customers ordering food. In addition, lockers and temperature-controlled shelves are becoming more popular to ensure food is still at its best when collected.” Sustainability is now central to all companies, and Hatco has embarked on a journey that will soon involve it in more detailed responses.


Lack of manpower is also a major concern for Enrico Ferri, CEO of Rational Italia. “To address staff shortages, we have created equipment that optimises work in the kitchen: technological solutions that allow you to work less, take advantage of the night hours for long cooking and save energy. Energy consumption in hot-air mode has been reduced by 10%, and in steam mode by 13%. Multifunction appliances consume up to 73.5% less than gas appliances, with cooking times reduced by 55% and water consumption by 67%,” Ferri says.


Optimisation is of paramount importance for Middleby as well. “There is a growing demand for increased cooking speeds while retaining high product quality, not just through the more widespread use of automated kitchens, but also in response to the demand for coffee and frozen drinks,” says its head of corporate communication, Darcy Bretz. “Our product lines for frying, dispensing and placing products in pick-up cabinets respond to this need. As for delivery services, we offer solutions for both large volumes and flexible menus.”


Food service equipment has always been the beating heart of HostMilano. And Host 2023, at fieramilano in Rho from 13 to 17 October, will be no exception. An opportunity to stay up to date on sector innovations not only in the exhibition sequence itself, but also in the rich programme of events.