Design Talks: design as a great connector of ideas at Host 2023

fieramilano, Rho


Design Talks: design as a great connector of ideas at Host 2023

Alongside the Smart Label recognition, the Design Talks are another major event that considers design for its role in innovation across the sectors represented.

Over the past few editions, design in the broadest sense of the word – from formats and concepts to ergonomics and eco-design – has taken on an importance equal to that of technology in the innovations seen at HostMilano. And Host 2023, which will be held at fieramilano in Rho from 13 to 17 October, will be no exception.


Attracting a great deal of attention will not only be the Smart Label – Host Innovation Award, now widely recognised as the quintessential recognition for sustainable innovation in the professional hospitality, out-of-home and retail sectors…


Another event eagerly awaited by designers and operators are the Design Talks, also run in partnership with refresher seminars for architects and experts in the hospitality sector that will explore the issues of sustainable innovation in design, concepts and formats.


"Never before in complex economic and social contexts such as those of today, has it been possible for design to be transformed into a resource capable of guiding companies and production systems towards new development models, becoming a strategic lever," explains Matteo Ingaramo, President of“This concept has been clear for years to all players operating in Ho.Re.Ca. and I am convinced that design – today more than ever – will be the weapon with which they can enjoy a resurgence and compete above all on international markets. I am sure that competition will be very fierce this year and that we will see designs of a very high standard.”


“Another important aspect is undoubtedly technology,” adds Ingaramo. “We are witnessing epoch-making changes, such as artificial intelligence, whose effects will only really be fully understood in the coming years but which we must already prepare to manage right now. One initial challenge is the risk of using technology for its own sake. Simply put, adding a nicely coloured digital display to a machine is not enough to make it more efficient or to make the operator's job easier. In fact if the interface is not intuitive, then it becomes even more complicated to use. So innovation must be truly functional and motivated if it is to improve a process.”


The multi-sector nature of the event is clearly seen in the topics that have been chosen for the meetings. There will, for example, be a discussion on Hospitality and Reception Towards a New Tourism and on Forms of Reception for the Future of Hospitality, along with topics that touch on the experiential sphere, such as Sensoriality and Hospitality Design and Wellness & Wellbeing in Hospitality Design, and discussions on the implications for Italian excellence: The Italian Approach in Tomorrow’s Hospitality. But the event will also get to the heart of the relationship between design and technology with Technology & User Experience in Hospitality and Sustainability in Hospitality: New Scenarios and Challenges.


The full schedule is already available online.