The key to everything, as the participants at a webinar organized by Fiera Milano underlined, lies in recognized certifications, suitable technologies and in the credibility of protocols.
Safety and sanitation, the restart of the sector of the future will necessarily be built on these two cornerstones. This was said by some of the most important players in the sector speaking at the webinar “Sanitation, safety and relaunch”, organized by Fiera Milano, in collaboration with Fiera Milano Media - Business International. At the center of the debate, a shared awareness: to succeed in this goal, some key steps are needed: from a correct risk analysis, to appropriate technologies, passing through a new corporate culture that helps to follow clear regulations to ensure the safety of employees, suppliers and customers.
"To improve the situation dictated by the pandemic - suggested Massimo Artorige Giubilesi, President of the Order of Food Technologists Lombardy and Liguria, President of FCSI Italian Unit and CEO of Giubilesi & Associati - we must all work together, starting from new paradigms and new thoughts that can lead to new strategies, based on technical and scientific information that are important to know. To react, it is necessary to build a new model, more concrete and complete, which aims at quality and safety not only of the products, but also of the environments in which the offer is used".
For this reason, the decalogue for the restart passes from the adoption of certified protocols, so that there is someone who, with objective evidence, establishes whether a place is really healthy or not. "In this sense, for example, sanitization with ozone - added Vincenzo Dell'Anna, Rheumatologist and medical hydrologist, Member of the Board of the Italian Society of Oxygenzone Therapy - usually used in purely healthcare environments, given its high bactericidal power that does not has peers in nature, could also be applied to other types of premises, such as bars, restaurants or hotels, to counter the possibility of infections linked to Covid-19".
Once an action strategy based on data and analytical evidence has been developed, however, it is necessary to understand what is really needed, in terms of solutions, to implement the relaunch process. "In this sense, technologies related to the security world can be a valid support at the service of hospitality professionals to face today (the so-called new normal), but also tomorrow, the 'next normal', added Raffaele De Astis, President of Assosicurezza, underlining how “in the future, it will be necessary to understand all the multiple aspects of the path taken by the customer, right from the moment he decides to enter one place rather than another”.
A topic, that of the credibility of commercial businesses, which could represent the real keystone for the restart. As underlined by Paolo Pizzocaro, Exhibition Director, BU Food, Tech, Travel & Industry of Fiera Milan: "The relaunch is possible, but we must be aware that, most likely, the consumer will give his trust to those who will be able to win it through a path of credibility also enabled by the technologies adopted to guarantee the healthiness of the spaces".