The White Art goes hi-tech to be gourmet and contemporary

fieramilano, Rho

Bakery, pizza, pasta

The White Art goes hi-tech to be gourmet and contemporary

A global market worth $5.38 billion is gearing up for Host 2025, where a partnership with the Sipan consortium debuts, that brings more than 60 Italian machinery leaders.

The age-old White Art continues to amaze us with the return of ancient grains and sourdough or scientific research to preserve fresh products by combining tradition with the needs of out-of-home and Gdo.


According to Exactitude, worldwide artisan-baked goods were worth $5.38 billion in 2023 and will grow to $7.83 billion in 2030. In this scenario, Host 2025, at fieramilano in Milan-Rho from 17 to 21 October, will be even more the world reference. Thanks in part to the partnership with the SIPAN consortium, with more than 60 leading Italian machinery companies joining other top players.


Speaking of pizza, comments Marcello Cuppone, Research and Development Manager of the eponymous company: “Trends include high-temperature cooking for 'contemporary pizza' and simplification of processes. This drives us to continuous development of technologies, such as increasingly high-performance software, that simplify and customize control operations and heat management, for baking homogeneity and consumption containment.”


Facilitating the job is front and center also for Moretti Forni. “Advanced technologies such as robotics and AI are now integrated into machines and formats to optimize operations and improve product quality. The intelligence of our ovens dialogues with any user, from the most experienced professional to the least trained operator, becoming a partner to be entrusted with the daily work,”  the company states.


“Transition 4.0 has seen a modernization of control units and production data management systems,” concludes Massimiliano Baroni, Tagliavini Marketing Office. “Increasingly important is also sustainability, in which we have been investing since the 1980s with innovative power management systems and in space creation, as we are also involved in room design.”


Also not to be missed at Host 2025 are the competitions, championships and cooking shows that will turn the spotlight on White Art.