HostMilano signs agreement with the SIPAN Consortium for a renewed MIPPP

fieramilano, Rho

Bakery, pizza, pasta

HostMilano signs agreement with the SIPAN Consortium for a renewed MIPPP

The Consortium’s leading Italian bakery technology companies will complement an already rich domestic and foreign parterre. The revamped concept will attract new professional visitor targets.

Bringing to life an international reference in bakery events, filling a representation gap in Europe by making Italian excellence and foreign players dialogue with a wider audience of operators, from global buyers to artisans from Italian regions.


This is the goal of the agreement signed between HostMilano, the world’s leading event in professional hospitality and food retail – at fieramilano in Rho from 17 to 21October 2025 and Consorzio SIPAN, the consortium that will bring the leading Italian companies in systems and technologies for the White Art to the event’s historic dedicated area, MIPPP – Milano Pane Pizza Pasta.


The participation of member companies consolidates an already rich parterre of Italian and foreign top players flanked by the most interesting emerging, niche and excellent companies, generating even more attention to next-generation technologies such as automations and sustainable solutions.


The revamped MIPPP – Milano Pane Pizza Pasta will make it possible to intercept new targets of Italian and foreign visitors in the food retail, large-scale retail and out-of-home markets, thus also adding value to geographies with a strong tradition such as Southern Italy: suffice it to say that South and Islands are the area with the most bakeries in the country, more than 2,800 compared to less than 2,500 in the second densest, the Northwest (source: Businesscoot).


Looking at the Italian market, 46,000 companies generated revenues for €13 billion in 2023. Over 24,000 bakeries exist in Italy, about 20,000 of being workshops and 4,100 being retail outlets, producing a total of 216 tons of industrial bread and 1.5 million tons of fresh bread (source: AIBI; FIPE)


In addition to the exhibition part, MIPPP will also feature its own top-notch reference event in the upcoming schedule of events in all sectors, which will share data, trends and education through show-cooking moments and speeches by industry leaders.