Digital transition, sustainability, skills: the big challanges of catering establishment

fieramilano, Rho

Digital transition, sustainability, skills: the big challanges of catering establishment

By FIPE – Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi



First the pandemic and than the energy crisis are putting at serious risk the maintenance of an offer model on which from the post-war period onwards the catering establishment has developed and consolidated in which bars, restaurants, nightclubs, discos, banqueting companies and other types of activities coexist both in the small and medium and large size.


The pandemic has created a short circuit in demand, the energy crisis is creating an equally intense one in supply.


It’s necessary a change of perspective aimed to seek a new balance between cost’s structure and service’s levels. It is a balance that has economic motivations but also social implications of great importance both as regards the use of human resources and the quality of life and attractiveness of cities.


FIPE  - Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi - will be at HostMilano to continue the project to accompany catering companies towards three transitions: digital, energy and professional.


Despite the acceleration that the digitization process has made in the two years of the pandemic, we are still far from the levels and diffusion that this historical phase imposes on every company that wants to stay within the market trends.


Too many restaurants still do not use apps or software to manage orders and reservations, also many restaurants do not adopt software for stock management and supplier’s relations.


In the meantime, the new energy emergency requires to review the processes, in the name of savings, making that "leap" towards a new paradigm that is not only good for the revenue account but also for the planet.


During the Milan fair, the FIPE "laboratory" will present best practices, reports, meetings, workshops and innovative services dedicated to the sector that will outline the transitions that the future imposes.


Connected equipment, advanced registers, payment systems, apps and digital menus to create a bridge between innovation and tradition and allow companies to develop business by increasing the knowledge and reachability of their customers.


A deep change in business processes that through the technology and digitalization allows catering establishment and entertainment, to be more competitive, more efficient and above all faster in managing change.


In this context, the professional transition that will affect staff not only to manage these new processes but also to create an increasingly quality-oriented work environment should not be overlooked.


Events and workshops with a focus on innovation are scheduled at the FIPE stand.