Cake Designers World Championship

fieramilano, Rho

Cake Designers World Championship

The Cake Design department will begin assembling the monumental cake in honour of OUR FEDERATION'S 10-year anniversary celebrations.





Fourth edition of the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF MONUMENTAL CAKES, teams from: Italy, Brazil, USA, Poland, Belgium, Sri Lanka, France, Mexico, Peru, Japan, China and Malaysia, made up of 2 competitors, will compete in the preparation of monumental cakes and baked cakes suitable for travelling. The Cake design section hailing from all regions of Italy will continue to set up the monumental cake in honour of the Federation's 10 years of activity, the Pastry Chefs of the FIPGC Italian and international excellence team will boost and complete the works with the addition of the most representative cakes of Italy and the world The pastry and Gelato demos in the side box will continue.






THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF MONUMENTAL CAKES will end with the awarding and crowning of the World Champion team. The cake, created in honour of the federation's 10 years of activity, will be the setting for the awarding of prizes to Federation members from all over Italy and around the world, who have distinguished themselves over the years for their commitment, participation and high professionalism in the FIPGC's association activities.


They will be presented with a special certificate created for the Federation's ten years of activity.