Vernika Awal

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Vernika Awal

Vernika Awal is a food writer and journalist, known for her well researched articles that feature in various national dailies and her blog - Delectable Reveries. Almost 3 years back she began working on the concept of #DelectablePunjab through which she aimed to document the culture and cuisine from her home State of Punjab, in India. Apart from documenting this digitally, she also hosts seasonal offline food pop-ups on this theme.

Report: read all articles by Vernika

India’s rising artisanal ice-creams: A dash of nostalgia, a touch of experiments

India’s newfound love: The exquisite, artisanal coffee

While none of us are quite ready to let go of our favourite instant coffee, homegrown brands are bringing a revolution in exotic, artisanal coffee curated for the masses.

Vernika posts