fieramilano, Rho


By APCI (Professional Italian Chefs Association)



In an horizon where green and smart are the key words to be an actual initiative, APCI (Professional Italian Chefs Association) come back to Host with an unmissable proposal, that unites taste, ethics and sostenibility.

Because not only "a sustainable scenario is also possible for the Catering industry", but it’s important to outline its requirements and characteristics, to direct Chefs and sector professionals to the right approach to this new era.


Educate people, train them on a motivational level, push them to face the new energy challenge, to contain efforts and price increases, and rework them as the very nature of energy would like: giving new strength and vitality to the sector.


In a journey through the main ingredients of the moment ENERGY, PEOPLE and SUSTAINABILITY, APCI will propose its manifesto capable of touching the human, economic and environmental sphere.


Thanks to the synergies with the most authoritative realities of the various fields, the 5-days program will offer concrete solutions because today it’s not only food that guides consumers' choices when it comes to restaurants, but it’s also and above all values.


Only by bringing values ​​to the centre, it’s possible to focus the Marketing of one's restaurant on the particular empathy that must be established with the customer: the chef must become a humanist, use his own emotional intelligence to make his proposal his own strength.


Because, if it’s true that food affects climate change, cooks can and must have an active role in defining new ways of conscious consumption, at the heart of change, for a 360° green future.


From this point of view, the great protagonist of the scene will be APCI Chef Lab, a project that represents the SMART evolution of the APCI Chef Italia National Team, a real hub of human and professional training, for an all-round growth of tomorrow's chefs.